Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why I am a Democrat (2)

I was at the Hoover Library Sunday afternoon. I go there occasionally to visit their bookstore where you can purchase discards real cheap. There was a book I wanted, but I forget to bring money, and so I didn't have the $2 I needed. The lady at the desk said she'd hold it for me.

She asked my name so she could place it in the book to hold it for me. When I told her "Fred Hudson" she said with a silly grin on her face, "Oh, are you related to Jennifer Hudson?"

The racial joke was evident. I've heard this kind of stupid, juvenile kind of remark before. Haven't you?

"Yes," I said. "She's my sister." The tone in my voice was unmistakeable.

I turned around and walked out. I have the satisfaction of wiping that smile off her face.

Oh, by the way. Did I mention that she had on a big McCAIN/PALIN button?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a funny story. I like your response.