Friday, August 30, 2024

 Getting ready to get my football attitude in order. I will NOT let the outcome of a football game on Saturday affect my attitude beyond the end of the game.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Recent polls show Trump losing steam – and while Trump has, as Walsh pointed out, historically done better at the ballot box than in political polls – Trump’s recent flaccid public appearances and Vance’s continued never-ending gibberish have contributed to the sudden realization that the Trump bubble is bursting. The New York Times, Reuters, Newsweek, Washington Post, and yes even Fox “ahem” News have noted the continuing surge in popularity of the Harris-Walz Democratic ticket following the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

-Brian Karem in


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How can you believe anything put in front of you yet believe nothing? There's an old saying: if you don't believe in something, you'll fall for anything. But today believing in anything is believing in nothing. Look around you. It's a world that millions of people inhabit

Philo sopher Hannah Arendt famously described the psychology of Nazi propaganda as "the point where [the masses] would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true." It's a quote that comes to mind often when contemplating the lies of Donald Trump and his MAGA movement. And it cropped up for me again while reading about the new right-wing conspiracy theory targeting Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., and his dog. 

It's a twisty road that led us to this point. Scout, the beloved pet of the running mate chosen by Vice President Kamala Harris, stands accused by rabid Trump fans of being a fake. While this story is a silly sideshow, it has serious implications. Unable to handle the strong possibility that their candidate will lose in November, Trump's followers are preemptively immersing themselves in a fantasyland where everything they don't like is "fake," from Harris' crowd sizes to the pet photos of their opponents. This isn't just a coping mechanism, either. As we saw on January 6, 2021, the non-stop accusations that Democrats are "faking" everything can lead Trump's followers down dangerous and even violent pathways. 

Amanda Marcotte in

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Whether or not Trump survives this election, the transmogrification of the right, Conason writes, is likely permanent. “The industrial production of falsehood and fraud will grind on shamelessly, with or without him, overseen by entrepreneurs who understand that substance and commitment carry no sales value in a political culture dominated by noisemaking, grandstanding, and malice.” This machine was built over decades by people who have chipped away at the ethical norms of public life, lining their own pockets. It will most certainly grind on unimpeded by shame or law as long as the right maintains a grip on the levers of power.

-Nina Burleigh in The New Republic

Max Boot book

 The Max Boot biography of Reagan is coming.

Democratic Momentum

 Polls released after last week’s convention in Chicago show that Kamala Harris is now ahead of Donald Trump by 7 points nationally. A post-convention bump is the norm in American politics. Kalama Harris is still enjoying a honeymoon period from the news media. Trump and his agents are still groping for an effective counterattack. The election will still be decided by a relatively small number of voters in the key battleground states.

-Chauncey Devega in

Monday, August 26, 2024


Latino civil rights group LULAC asks Justice Department to investigate Texas "voter fraud" raids

The League of United Latin American Citizens says Attorney General Ken Paxton is trying to intimidate Democrats


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appears at a pretrial hearing in his securities fraud case before state District Judge Andrea Beall in the 185th District Court Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at Harris County Criminal Courts at Law in Houston. (Yi-Chin Lee/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appears at a pretrial hearing in his securities fraud case before state District Judge Andrea Beall in the 185th District Court Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at Harris County Criminal Courts at Law in Houston. (Yi-Chin Lee/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)

On Fox News Brain Rot

 But they aren't the only Republicans who know the threat exists. Former Attorney General Bill Barr knows that Trump tried to overturn a legitimate election. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell understands that Donald Trump was a disaster as president. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley made it clear that she thinks Donald Trump is unfit to hold office. Yet they are all voting for him anyway. Whether it's because they have Fox News brain rot and are convinced that Antifa is the greatest threat America faces, as Bill Barr does, or that loyalty to the GOP brand is paramount, as McConnell does, they are simply incapable of reacting seriously to the threat.

-Heather Digby Parton in


"Run up the score": Maximizing Harris' campaign momentum may be the only way to stop Trump's steal 

"The hope is that more than two years of pro-democracy and pro-freedom momentum keeps building"


"Simply put, they are out of their minds": Kamala Harris won't let Republicans hide their misogyny

Republicans know their views on reproductive rights and cat ladies are unpopular, but they keep taking the bait


Senior Writer 


Saturday, August 24, 2024


Trump surely feels, to paraphrase his own memorable words, that frankly, he did win this election — that he had pre-defeated Joe Biden so conclusively that the radical Marxist liberal fanatics had to stage an election-interference coup to snatch away his rightful victory. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

RFK, Jr.

 RFK, Jr. endorses Trump, sullying the Kennedy legacy.  Shame on him.  I think some money has changed hands.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Marin Cotten on

 Donald Trump’s former White House secretary declared her support for Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday night, slamming the Republican nominee in her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Stephanie Grisham, who resigned after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, said she was a “true believer” and that the Trump family became her family. But she saw a side not everyone sees.

“I saw him when the cameras were off,” Grisham said. “Behind closed doors, Trump mocks his supporters. He calls them basement-dwellers.”

She admitted that while Trump was in office, she never held a typical White House briefing because she never wanted to “stand on the podium and lie.” 

“Now here I am behind a podium advocating for a Democrat and that’s because I love my country more than my party,” she said.

Grisham recalled several troubling stories, including a time when Trump was visiting dying patients in the ICU and he was upset that “cameras weren’t on him.”

After the Jan. 6 insurrection, Grisham asked Trump’s wife Melania whether she could tweet that there was “no place for lawlessness or violence.” The former first lady responded “No,” via text message. Grisham revealed the entire text exchange to the crowd at the DNC. 

Grisham is one of many Republicans against Trump who spoke at the DNC. Kyle Sweetser, a Republican voter from Alabama said he voted for Trump three times before he realized Trump’s policies were negatively affecting his life as a “blue-collar” worker. 

Conservative commentator Richard Logis, who describes himself as “ex-MAGA activist” also spoke at the DNC via video broadcast, telling voters they “don’t need to agree with everything you hear tonight to do what is right.”

Throughout her speech, Grisham emphasized that Trump can’t be trusted and that he has “no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth.” 

“He used to tell me, ‘It doesn’t matter what you say, Stephanie, say it enough and people will believe you,'" Grisham recounted.

“Kamala Harris tells the truth, she respects the American people, and she has my vote,” Grisham told the crowd in Chicago.

Democratic Hope by Amanda Marcotte in


CHICAGO — Organizers kicked off the Democratic National Convention by immediately demonstrating that they know how to throw a party better than Republicans. Democrats scheduled their elderly leader who rambles on too long for the first night, not the last. President Joe Biden's Monday night speech started slow and only got more boring, but the crowd cheered him gamely, chanting, "Thank you, Joe!" Part of that was real gratitude for the surprisingly effective job he's done in his four years in office. But the cheers reflected the attendees' joy at knowing this whole thing is done with. It's time to move forward with a candidate who embodies their hopes for the future. 

This is not a crowd that feels triggered. The mood is giddy. There's a scent of hope in the air.


In contrast, Donald Trump's capstone speech at the Republican National Convention was disastrous. Biden may have been long-winded and boring, but Trump was all those things while also sounding objectively weird. His speech ping-ponged between self-pity and incoherence, delivered in that odd sing-song quiet voice he uses when his aides tell him to act "serious." The crowd, always eager to flatter the cult leader's ego, cheered, but it felt forced and exhausted. The Democratic National Convention, so far, has maintained the organic energy of a champagne bottle being uncorked —and that momentum appears to be causing the Trump campaign to short-circuit.  

"Consistently what you’ve seen in 2016 and 2020, is that the media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict within Republican voters," Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, said on Fox News Sunday. Shannon Bream of Fox News asked him about polls showing Vice President Kamala Harris edging up or even leading in various swing states, to which Vance rushed to show once again that there are no limits for him when it comes to embracing his boss's delusions or depravities

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Shared with Close friends
Close friends
"Donald Trump has no one but himself to blame for his political fortunes right now and how he has lost the momentum so fast."
You have to maintain pressure on Donald Trump all the time. Trump is like trying to give a cat a bath. You're going to have to make sure that you are prepared to get cut up and scratched and bitten. You have to be sure you are never going to take your hand off the scruff of that cat's neck until you get it into the bathtub. Trump will fight and scrap and twist and turn and do everything he can to get out of trouble. Once you deliver a message about Donald Trump, you have to keep hammering that message home. You can never give Donald Trump even 10 seconds to come up off the mat. You can never give Trump a break or a breather or grace or any respite. The assassination attempt on Trump's life does not change that fact. That event changed nothing about him and how we should approach defeating him. Donald Trump is still exactly who and what he's always been. Period.
-Rick Wilson, former Republican strategist and head of the Lincoln Project

Monday, August 19, 2024


Shared with Your friends
Why are so many pelicans dropping dead in California? I have no idea. It is a question for science to answer. Religion will have no answers. Philosophy will have no answers. Politics will have no answers. Ignorant guesses will have no answers. Conspiracy theories will have no
answers. Some questions must be answered if there is an answer by science. This is my only point, which millions of people evidently have no clue these days.

It Amazes Me

 The ultimate root of today's political division is that despite the fact that we live in a time of ultimate and unlimited information access when the facts are there for voters who want to be informed most voters are low-information

voters who are too lazy and intellectually incurious to be informed and we are dominated by media dominated prejudicial information. We live in a post-literate and post-information world despite unlimited information access. It amazes me.


 It's easy for authoritarians to erase history with today's low attention span.  Trump can lie continually about his administration because his cult believes without checking and remembering anything.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Border Crossings Low


Trump scares his followers with talk of "illegals," but border crossings are lowest in four years

A new tally by border agents shows that illegal crossings are at a steady decline, down 32 percent since June


Nights & Weekends Editor

Friday, August 16, 2024

Editor: Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins - Did It Happen Here?

Readings classical and contemporary on Fascism.  Perspective on Fascism in America.

Good introduction introducing the essays.

REINHOLD NIEBUHR - "Pawns for Fascism."  P. 3 Popular liberal Protestant theologian from yrs gone by.  Influenced Martin Luther King, Jr.  Need to read him and  more about him.  His essay here you would think would have been written by sociologist.  Seems to say that fascism comes from lower middle class types. 

LEON TROTSKY - "Bonapartism, Fascism, and War" P. 11  I skim thru this one written by the famous Marxist in 1940.  Never had any interest in Trotsky.

Raymond Aron - "The Future of Secular Religions."  French liberal intellectual of the 20th Century.  This written in 1944.  Idea is that fascism is a secular substitute for traditional religious beliefs and practices.

Hannah Arendt - "The Seeds of a Fascisst International."  Arendt is identified as the leading authority on Fascism in the 20th Century.  I didn't pick up anything of note from this essay.

Angela Davis - "Political Prisoners, Prisons, and Black Liberation."  Written in 1971 but a still vibrant and reachable Marxist interpretation of American 2024.  I did not realize Davis was such an eloquent intellectual.

UMBERTO ECO - "UR-Fascism."  Eco was one of the world's great intellectuals of our time.  His personal library is a thing of rare beauty.  He could understand the philosophy behind a personal library.  At the age of 10 he was a fascist in his native Italy.  How many people can talk about fascism from perHe learned to dodge bullets.  It was good exercise.  This essay, written in 1995, explains his firsthand experience with fascism and provides an account of what he sees as the typical features of fascism.

"Thus it is worth asking why not only the Resistance (in Spain) was generally defined throughout the world as  struggle against fascism.  If you reread Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls you will discover that Robert Jordan identifies his enemies with Fascists, even when he things of the Spanish Falangists.  And for FDR, the victory of the American people and their allies will be a victory against fascism and the dead hand of despotism it represents."  P. 38

Eco is important because he understands the importance, significance and impact of language on the unwashed masses.

Mein Kamph is a manifesto of a complete political program.

A government can be fascist without being totalitarian.  P.39

Italian fascism was the first right-wing dictatorship to took over a European country.  P. 39

"Fascism" became a synecdoche.  P. 39

It seems to me that Mussolini fascism first defined the concept.  P. 40

Eco lists features of Ur-Fascism which he calls Eternal Fascism.  P. 43

1.  The cult of tradition.  P. 43

2.  The rejection of modernism.  P. 44

3.  Action for action's sake.  Irrationalism.  P. 44

4.  Disagreement is treason.  In modern culture disagreement is a way to improve knowledge, but not for fascism.  P. 45

5.  Besides, disagreement is a sign of diversity.  Fascism is fear of difference.  Against intruders.  Thus, Ur-Fascism is racist by definition. P. 45

6.   Ur-Fascism derives from individual or social frustration.  Typically, a frustrated middle class.  Feeling of political  humiliation, frightened from below.  This factor could give fascists a new majority.  P. 45

7.  Obsession with a plot.  Followers can feel besieged.  Leads to xenophobia.  Jews are typically the historical target.  P. 45

8.  Perceived enemies can be too weak or too strong.  Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.  P. 46

9.   There is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.  Permanent warfare as in Orwell.  P. 46

10.  Cruelty towards the weak.  Cult members are the elite.  Society is hierarchically organized.  Everybody fascist needs some group to despise.  P. 47

11.  In a fascist world everybody is educated to become a hero.  A hero is an exceptional being.  Heroism is the norm.  The cult of heroism is linked to the cult of death.  Death is unpleasant and must be faced with dignity in the real world.  Believers can believe that death is the painful but necessary way to reach a supernatural eternal happiness.  In contract fascists crave a heroic death advertised as the best reward for a heroic life.  The Ur-Fascist is impatient to die.  In his impatience he frequently sends other people to an early death.  P. 47

12.   Sexual machismo.  P. 47

13.   Selective populism.

14    Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak invented by Orwell in 1984 as the official language of Ingsoc, English socialism.  Like all dictatorships an impoverished vocabulary and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.  But other forms like popular talk show.

Ur-Fascism is always around us, ready to spring out anytime.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat  "What is Fascism?"

Identified today with "white Christian civilization.  P. 56

It's time to accept that the GOP, which was complicit with Trump's January 6 attempted authoritarian take-over, has become a party that furthers fascist values and practices.  That means the hate crimes that have skyrocketed in America since 2016 will likely continue to expand.  Remembering the essence of fascism is more important now than ever.  P. 57.

Jan Werner-Muller - "Is It Fascism?"  This person says Trumpism is best not described as fascism.  Okay, Big deal.  Whatever.  I am not sure it matters what we call Trumpism except  to say that it is dangerous.  P. 59

Complete social domination.  P. 64

Antipluralism.  P. 65

Use of "un-American."  P. 65

Jason Stanley: us vs. them.  P. 65

Robert O. Paxton "I've Hesitated to Call Donald Trump a Fascist.  Until Now."

The January 6th invasion removed the hesitation to call him a Fascist.  P. 69

Victoria De Grazia "What We Don't Understand About Fascism"

Sloppy language about fascism is inevitable.  P. 71

The crumbling of post WWII liberalism across the globe is the political story of our time.  Here we go again with the regular rise of fascism.  P. 78

RICHARD J EVANS - "Why Trump Isn't a Fascist" P. 79

I have concluded that whether or not Trump is a Fascist does not matter.  Recognize him for who he is and call him what he is whether you consider him a Fascist or not.  But as a historically minded person I do wish to connect him to his American predecessors if possible.

PETER E. GORDON - "Why Historical Analogy Matters"  P. 86

It does matter.

The study of history involves analysis not just the popular notion of reconstructing "what really happened."  P. 96

Daniel Bessner and Ben Burgis - "What's in a Word?"We need to be careful in using the word "coup" in regards to Jan 6

Should Trump be considered a "Fascist?" 

Either of these words can cause problems according to these writers.

These authors tend away from these words in reference to Trump.

"Is Trump a fascist?  And what does that matter?"  P. 124

In WWII terms, I would say no.

Though he certainly has fascist-like tendencies.

Snyder, Albright, & Stanley have said that Trump's administration was either fascist itself or embodied elements of fascist philosophy.  P. 125

His rhetoric, his authoritarian style, and policies like the grotesque "Muslim Ban" justify fascist elements. P. 125

"Nothing in the recent American experience approaches what happened in Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy, although there certainly are precedents in slavery and Jim Crow.  P. 126

The author refers to "leftists" so you know what that means.  P. 127

George W. Bush inflicted more damage on the world than Trump.  P. 127

Genuine Fascists support Trump as do thugs like Putin.  P. 128

Neo-Fascists and Antifa are very fine people according to Herr Trump.  P. 128

The author downplays words like "fascist," "coup," and "overthrowing the government."

Words do mean something, but this author overdoes it.

SARAH CHURCHILL - "American Fascism It Has Happened Here" P. 115

If Fascism comes to America it will come with Americanized content not with European specifics. But the author did not say this.   P. 136

Churchill is a good historian.

I suppose she is going to say that Fascism has roots in this country. P. 136

Fascism can be native and still be Fascist.  P. 136

Is Fascism fuzzy as said by Umberto Eco?  Is there a list for "Fascist Minimum?"  P. 137

Colonialism?  Genocide?  Anti-Semitism?  P. 137

Paxton argues that Fascism is as Fascism does.  A pure mythic past often rural.  Tradition.  Paramilitary groups.  Degrading political opponents.  Demonization of critics.  Some groups authentic citizens, others not.  Anti-intellectual.  Attacks on the press.  Patriarchal.  Exaggerated masculinity.  Sense of victimhood. Fear of racial and cultural contamination.  Collective grievance.  Favoring some bloodlines over others.  P. 137

All Fascism is homegrown, indigenous.  P. 137

It cannot be imported.  P137

Lynching and Jim Crow are Fascism.  P. 138  Not sure about this.

Hitler drew from American Jim Crow.  Du Bois said that Jim Crow/white supremacy could be regarded as Fascist.   P. 139

Paxton says that the first KKK could be regarded as Fascist.  P. 140

Fascism has already been here with the KKK.  P.140

Trump's thundering ignorance.  P. 147

Trump is neither aberrant nor original.  Native reactionary populism is nothing new in America; it just never made it to the White House before.  In the end, it matters very little if Trump is a fascist in his heart if he's fascist in his actions.  It's the sickness he generates out of every pore in his body that matters.  P. 148


I skim thru this one.

JASON STANLEY - "One Hundred Years of Fascism"  P. 154

Mussolini became Prime Minister in October of 1922 at the just the right time with the government in turmoil.  Mussolini had been normalized, the first step, and it proceeded from there.   P. 154

The first KKK in the United States preceded Mussolini.  P. 154

The common denominator between European and American fascism started with Madison Grant with his replacement theory recently revived in its current context by Republicans.  P. 155

Grant championed scientific racism---that Nordic Americans were the real Americans and superior to people of color (as we would say today).  P. 155

Nordic whites, the only real Americans, were in danger of being replaced by other races, according to Grant.   P. 155

So fascism started here.

Hitler took inspiration from the US with our genocide against natives and our Jim Crow.  P. 156

Explaining CRT.  P. 157

Nazi ideology borrowed directly from Jim Crow laws.  P. 157

Lindberg was certainly a full-blown racist Nazi.  P. 158

Christianity has always animated American Fascism.  P. 159

European Fascists came to power thru normal democratic processes.  P. 159

Fascists came come to power needing the support of people who do not claim to support their policies.  P. 160

Fascism is still with us today.  P. 160

 Conservatives are complaining about media bias, as is their wont, especially when Republicans are losing. They are correct that Kamala Harris has enjoyed fairly positive coverage to date. But their conviction that the media are employing a “double standard” is actually backward. It is Donald Trump who is being held to a lower standard than Harris.

The main indictment of the mainstream media (conservatives always pretend “the media” excludes the large share of Republican-controlled outlets like Fox News) is that Harris has been allowed to skate by without specifying her policy platform. That is true, so far. Reporters are probably extending the fair assumption that any new candidate will take a bit of time to settle on a platform. If Harris avoids any substantive commitments by September and the media aren’t making a big issue out of it, I’d be surprised.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump very much is skating by without serious policy commitments. He floated the idea of repealing Obamacare, then backed away, and is continuing to vaguely promise to make health care better for everybody without anybody paying for it. He has made positive noises about cutting retirement programs without specifying how. He is secretlypromising huge tax cuts to wealthy donors, while saying he would “be okay” with setting the corporate tax rate just one point lower.

-J0nathan Chait

 It takes at least two people to have an authentic savvy discussion. I do get tired of savvy discussions with just myself having to discuss both sides of issues solo.

50 Year Plan

 Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have turned the 2024 presidential campaign upside down and galvanized the Democratic Party's base voters, who had become almost resigned to a second term for Donald Trump. Harris now appears to be leading in the polls heading into next week's Democratic National Convention, while Trump — who had orchestrated an entire campaign around attacking the aging President Biden — is visibly flailing and appears determined to sabotage his chances with every public appearance.

But David Daley is here to tell those of you already catering your election-night parties: Don't celebrate quite yet. Daley, the former editor-in-chief of Salon and author of the 2016 bestseller "Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count" has returned with another chilling account of long-term right-wing dirty tricks, this time — as he told me in our recent Salon Talks conversation — with a title we can actually print. If the title of Daley's new book, "Antidemocratic: Inside the Far Right's 50-Year Plot to Control American Elections," suggests that it makes large claims, it definitely does. But it's not a tale of a secret, sinister conspiracy, and the chaotic events of Jan. 6, 2021, are only mentioned in passing.

-Anthony O'Heheir in

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 In this bustling, booming, chaotic political present I still try to learn from the past first both domestically and worldwide to make sense of what is going on now both here and globally.

Double Standard

 Conservatives are complaining about media bias, as is their wont, especially when Republicans are losing. They are correct that Kamala Harris has enjoyed fairly positive coverage to date. But their conviction that the media are employing a “double standard” is actually backward. It is Donald Trump who is being held to a lower standard than Harris.

The main indictment of the mainstream media (conservatives always pretend “the media” excludes the large share of Republican-controlled outlets like Fox News) is that Harris has been allowed to skate by without specifying her policy platform. That is true, so far. Reporters are probably extending the fair assumption that any new candidate will take a bit of time to settle on a platform. If Harris avoids any substantive commitments by September and the media aren’t making a big issue out of it, I’d be surprised.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump very much is skating by without serious policy commitments. He floated the idea of repealing Obamacare, then backed away, and is continuing to vaguely promise to make health care better for everybody without anybody paying for it. He has made positive noises about cutting retirement programs without specifying how. He is secretlypromising huge tax cuts to wealthy donors, while saying he would “be okay” with setting the corporate tax rate just one point lower.

-Jonathan Chait

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


The meme that Trump is “melting down” doesn’t quite get how profound his discomfort and disbelief are at this moment.  The switchover from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris happened so abruptly and went so smoothly, it’s almost as if there never was a Biden campaign. Just three weeks in, Kamala Harris looks like she has been the presumptive nominee ever since the primaries began early this year with Biden at the top of the ticket. If you blinked over the past week, you’d open your eyes to find her someplace else with a crowd at a rally even bigger than the last one. She went from Wisconsin to Georgia to Pennsylvania to Michigan to Arizona to Nevada and back to Michigan again – and that schedule omitted appearances in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia that had to be canceled due to the Biblical-style rains of Hurricane Debby.

Monday, August 12, 2024

 Conservatives have already begun attacking Vice President Kamala Harris as an unqualified “DEI hire,” language that evokes the broader right-wing narrative that the left has become too “woke” and no longer represents the average American. With Harris’ ascension to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, many political commentators have expressed fear that voters may buy into the idea that liberals have, indeed, become too woke to connect with voters in the swing states needed to secure an Electoral College victory. But this election doesn’t have to be a clash of the “woke” versus the working class, and liberals don’t have to sacrifice one to win over the other. 

The left has long struggled to win back working-class voters. Americans without a college degree have steadily moved to the right in recent decades, resulting in a diploma divide where political views are largely split along educational lines. In 2021, progressive groups surveyed working-class voters in five swing states and concluded that “‘woke,’ activist-inspired rhetoric is a liability” to winning them over – a perspective echoed by other recent analyses.

 Conservative commentator Charlie Sykes warned that this could be a preview of future efforts to question the legitimacy of the election before it even takes place.

"This is pre-election denialism by Donald Trump," Sykes said. "It's no mystery, Donald Trump is never going to graciously concede defeat in this election. He's already laying the groundwork for what's going to happen after November. I think this is going to be an extraordinarily dangerous period. He has election deniers in key states, his base is psychologically not prepared for him to lose."

Read more

Nicholas Liu in

 by Matt Bai in the WaPost

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Shared with Your friends
I'm not bragging, but I still remember the words to "Louie, Louie."(We gotta go). I still remember my first kiss in the first grade. (SHE kissed ME by the way). Learning to ride a bicycle I never fell once, or as best I can remember. (Actually not once, but a number of times). I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours. Fair play.