Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 For more than nine years, I have been chronicling and warning about the Age of Trump and the harm it has and will continue to do to American democracy and society. But these last three weeks, the surreal nature of the Age of Trump and its never-ending story—one where the next chapter begins with Donald Trump and the Republican fascists winning the 2024 election and then ending multiracial pluralistic democracy— had twists and turns that are (almost) unbelievable even by the standards of the Trump era.

Donald Trump destroyed President Biden in their first debate. Trump’s victory was so total and complete that senior leaders in the Democratic Party are now convinced that Biden will not be able to win the 2024 election and must be replaced.

The right-wing extremist justices on the Supreme Court then decided that Trump is a de facto king who is above the law. Donald Trump, and his Republican fascist successors, now have the power to order their political and personal enemies killed without consequence. In a democracy, no person should possess such power.

-Chauncey Devega in

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