Thursday, September 1, 2022

 I admit to being an elitist. I could admit to being some other things but that would not be appropriate on this platform.

I use words like "inadvertent," "egregious," and "quotidian," as often as possible. I carry a book with me wherever I go My brain fogs up after more than five minutes of small talk.
I can delay gratification, know when to defer to experts, refuse to watch videos, and have never watched "Game of Thrones." (Just for the record, I have no idea even what "Game of Thrones" is).
I am not tribal unless elitism counts as a tribe.
I drive thru Chick-Fil-A but only order salads from there.
I hang out at my neighborhood Applebees, but I scrupulously avoid acting elitist there.
Yes, I spend too much time on Facebook but in my defense I feel guilty about it.

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