Monday, December 7, 2015

Jonathan Karl

Tonight I attended a lecture from Jonathan Karl, chief White House correspondent for ABC News.  He mused about the state of journalism and politics.

He noted how divisive politics are.  Nobody wants to listen to anybody else.  What amazes him, he said, is that people on different sides of an issue have their own set of facts to support their viewpoint.  Used to be, people had their own opinions, but the facts were indisputable.  Nowadays, Karl said, facts seem subjective.  As such, people are calling the 2016 presidential election the first "post-fact" campaign.  I hadn't heard that phrase before.

The other interesting point to me is Karl revealed that Trump has only one communications person working on his campaign.  Comparatively, Clinton has a team of communications personnel, at least a dozen probably.  Yet, Trump does far more interviews than Clinton does.

Karl was affable and entertaining, not at all stiff and dry for someone who covers politics for a major news organization.

1 comment:

Fred Hudson said...

Most interesting. It is tragic that we have fact free politics, but we don't have to listen, do we?