Friday, June 28, 2013

Supreme Court Decisions

In two 5-4 decisions, the Supreme Court ruled against DOMA, which denied federal benefits to same-sex couples, and also struck Proposition 8, which banned same-sex couples in California from marrying.  This is a joyous moment.

These rulings are a victory for all those who truly believe in equality, who believe we should not erect walls of discrimination that treat certain people as less than.  It is sad and disheartening that there are those in this country who want to deny rights to their brethren, who instead prefer intolerance over acceptance.  That opponents of same-sex marriage think that society will crumble if same-sex couples could marry is incomprehensible to me.

We should love all our brothers and sisters, no matter their beliefs, religion, or lifestyles.  Justice Kennedy should be thanked.