Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Scott Turow - Innocent (2)

This sequel to PRESUMED INNOCENT, published in 1987, is not as good as the original, but so what. The novel PRESUMED INNOCENT is one of the great reading entertainments of my reading life. But this one is awfully entertaining as well.

Novels like this I call entertainments. They are not great literature and will not likely stand the test of time, but they are great reading treats, like summer movies, entertaining, but not something you'll be thinking about 20 years from now.

I don't read many legal thrillers. If I do, I check first with Scott Turow, a practicing attorney, who knows of what he writes in the legal world.

His books always have accurate and cutting-edge legalities. This latest is no exception.

These two books read back-to-back would be great fun if you haven't yet read them.


Anonymous said...

I think I read that Turow invented the legal thriller.

Fred Hudson said...

If you're ever in the mood for a legal thriller, try PRESUMED INNOCENT. It's a thrilling reading experience. I don't read "legal thrillers" on a regular basis; this one is the best.