Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Senate Passes Health Care Reform

from Paul Krugman

December 24, 2009, 10:47 am
Noo Yawk Roolz!
I watched the Senate vote this morning, and despite all, it was an inspiring moment. A few random thoughts:

1. It’s petty and silly, but after what seems like a whole adult lifetime in which Central Casting insisted that major politicians be either Southern gentlemen or Midwestern heartland types, it felt good to watch and listen to Chuck Schumer, speaking the language of my roots, at the victory press conference — even with that green tie. Noo Yawk Roolz!

2. More seriously, Jon Chait is right: this is a great achievement.

3. As expected, self-proclaimed centrists can’t bring themselves to say anything nice about a bill that delivers everything they claim to want. Many people have pointed to David Broder’s piece this morning; let me add a historical note. Back in 2006, Broder hailed the Massachusetts health reform as a “major policy success”. Now the Senate has passed a bill that is, broadly speaking, a better-funded version of the MA plan plus a major effort at cost control. Where’s the praise?

Anyway, a pretty good morning.

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