Monday, July 28, 2008

Larry McMurtry - Comanche Moon (2)

This is my favorite book in the series so far. I've started STREETS OF LAREDO so I'll comment on it later. I suspect I will rank the series as follows:

1) Comanche Moon
2) Lonesome Dove
3) Streets of Laredo
4) Dead Man's Walk

Comanche Moon has a strong plot line, although it tails off at the end. The characters are memorable as they always are with McMurtry. The book is worth reading just to have to fun with the Sculls. It is interesting that the most admirable person in the novel (in my opinion) is a Yankee.

The best parts may be the Indian characters. I like Buffalo Hump even with his brutality. Kicking Wolf is OK, but that Blue Duck is truly evil. Those Indians certainly know how to torture, don't they? Too bad we couldn't use them at Guantanamo.

1 comment:

Mike Denison said...

I am very glad you liked Comanche Moon. Although I'd always have to rank Lonesome Dove at the top of my list of the four, the former has always been a favorite of mine. The few people I know who have read it generally do not like it, which is very perplexing to me--it is a wonderful novel. Perhaps you could move on to the Berrybender Nartratives that he also wrote at some point, although they are sorely lacking when held up to the other series.