Saturday, January 5, 2008

How Reading Changed My Life by Anna Quindlen

Nice book about why we read and why it matters. I thought it has some keen points, namely that having a love for reading is unfairly considered lonesome and expected to have a purpose (for school, for self-improvement, etc.), which overlooks those of us literati who savor books simply because we love books. Also, intellectuals, Ph.D.'s, and the like tend to view reading as a search for meaning, but Quindlen points out there are other reasons to read. She wonders if those are comparedly "somehow unworthy, invalid, and unimportant?" I think it's true I get too caught up in what a novel means that I forget merely to enjoy the story, and I agree with her that all reasons to read are basically equally valid. Lastly, she included several top ten lists at the end of her book, with some interesting categories like, which books she'd save in a fire.

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