Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pete Rose


For years, Rose denied the gambling allegations under oath and in interviews. “I’m not going to admit to something that didn’t happen,” he told NBC Sports reporter Jim Gray in 1999. “I know you’re getting tired of hearing me say that.” He did admit in a tell-all book published in 2004 that he had lied and acknowledged that he was a gambling addict who bet on games he managed for the Reds.

Over the years, Rose was chronically in debt and in 1990 he pleaded guilty to federal tax charges after failing to report $354,968 in income from autograph fees and memorabilia sales. He served five months in federal prison and never fulfilled the requirements for having his name removed from the “permanently ineligible” list.

Cindy Boren in the WaPost

Great baseball player but a scumbag as a person died 9-30-24 in Las Vegas

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