Thursday, June 27, 2024

 What viewers need to see is the reality of Trump, which is that he's a whiny narcissist, who lies for the same reason any sleazy criminal does: so he can serve himself while screwing over everyone else. Ideally, he will get frustrated and angry, so that he releases his already shaky grip on self-composure. For that to happen, there needs to be less focus on traits he's proud of — and he is very proud of his ability to lie with a straight face. It would be better if the discussion highlighted what Trump is afraid people see: A loser. He's proud of being the man who paid hush money to an adult film star. He's ashamed of being the man so sloppy he got caught doing it. I suspect Biden can land repeated blows on Trump's 34 felony convictions and other major court losses. Being reminded of his losses rattles Trump, whose self-esteem is so wrapped up in his self-image as a criminal who gets away with it.

Amanda Marcotte in Salon.ccom

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