Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

Superb book about two black men, Jefferson and Grant, equally trapped by the racial prejudice that prevailed in the 1940s South. Jefferson stands to be unfairly executed for robbery and murder, while Grant is university educated and a teacher on the local plantation. Despite the gap in their intellect and potential, both realize they are entrapped by the vicious cycle of social poverty and racial oppression. Together, they learn about dignity, freedom, and the power of caring for others, thus becoming heroic figures.

I am glad Fred inspired me to read this book by his earlier review.


Anonymous said...

I am, too. Everything Fred writes is fabulous. I think he should put it on Shelfari as well.

You should read the rest of Gaines' stuff, also.

Anonymous said...

I think I should. How lucky am I to have such inspiration?